today who won’t meet me because I live 30 miles away. He has his own business so I know he could get time but he will not drive into the city. His date must live in his town (which he mentions is mostly married people) or meet him halfway. I would meet someone halfway for the first dates but would like to think that if I was dating someone they would have the manners to pick me up at my wwwAdultFriendFinder phone to put a stop to the calls. The woman on the other end would NOT take my “sorry, changed my mind” for an answer and proceeded to badger me with questions that I found very personal. I finally had to get angry and yell at her to just stop calling me. I found them to be very very pushy and I would never use a company like this! Shame on them!!!!!!! Reviewed By Delbert Houston Sex Male wwwAdultFriendFinder date after that. Met another woman on the site who made the first contact by sending me the first email. We ended up dating for a couple months. But the relationship was all physical and didn’t prove to be long-lasting. It’s hard to tell how many people on these sites are seriously interested in meeting someone, and how many are just on a fishing expedition. For men, you will probably get wwwAdultFriendFinder but the women never look that good. If the woman looks like an 8 out of ten, she is probably a 5 out of ten. However she looks in the glamout shot, minus that number by three. For me, I spent approx $60 Canadian. Went on dates with women who lied about their body type. Had some wasted dates, and had a few one night stands. Was it worth it, if I just wanted to get laid, then yes. But, I wanted wwwAdultFriendFinder