out all the profiles that show no activity within a week, or no activity for three-plus weeks. When I was paying Match to help me search for someone, be assured that I wasn’t checking in only once a week, let alone once a month! And, I found that many who are listed as active within a reasonable time–I consider “reasonable” to be three or fewer days for someone paying for a service–are www AdultFrindFinder com card and told me to look over some photos of some of the members. Then she ran my card and came in with a contract. She would not let me read it and kept distracting me. At the same time she was telling me where to sign or initial rushing through the paperwork. When I asked about certain paragraphs she would say don’t worry about that, it just means this or that, just initial it. She kept www AdultFrindFinder com e-mails I have sent out is like pulling teeth. I think that Match unfortunately has become a number’s game, and that the more attractive men on the site (the ones who I think I’m in the same league with (but apparently not), expect the picture of a supermodel. Otherwise, what you have written is not even read (at least that appears to be the case with me). Yes, there has to be a mutual physical www AdultFrindFinder com in Toronto) and if i don’t respond? it usually means i’m not interested and i have learned that responding even nicely only encourages the conversation i’m trying to avoid or maybe i’m busy..or tired…or just not paying as much attention as i should or maybe my kitchen just caught fire either way…i’ve met some wonderful people and some wonderfully strange people dated some,befriended www AdultFrindFinder com