agreed to meet, only to have something come up the day before we were to get together, so I broke that one off also. Ironically, the one I did meet was one of the last I tried to contact. In a last ditch effort, I e-mailed several ladies that I was dropping my subscription and asked them, since communication through Match would be impossible, to respond to my normal e-mail address. To my www AdultFriend Finder have thousands of members. She told me that I would not have any problems meeting my soul mate, she said within six months I would have the girl of my dreams. (of course she did not put that in writing) stupid me! I told her what type of women I would be interested in and she showed me some photos of what looked like models…. I told her slim, dark hair, very attractive, and between the www AdultFriend Finder main flaws I am finding with Match are that the majority of the men on the site are seeking younger women – make that much younger women. Specifically, men in their late 20’s early 30’s, specifying age ranges of women from 18+, but no older than 30. I’m 32, and look/feel a heck of a lot younger than my age, but the age limitations are disheartening. A lot seem focused on the number. Also, www AdultFriend Finder are plenty of “lavalifers” who who will be there indefinitely. Sorry to sound so bitter. Left a very bad taste in my mouth. AB Reviewed By a/b toronto Sex Female Rating ***** Date August 28, 2005 permalink Visit Lavalife after reading a number of the comments on here i feel like putting my 2 cents in first of all take lava for what it is…a medium through which you MAY meet someone..i don’t www AdultFriend Finder