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Ault Friend Finder

I could write a book about the online dating experience. It could be my age range, 40/50, but I did meet someone special in the past, I met men who became close friends and in general I always met interesting people. The bottom line is… if you do not like match, then drop out of the online dating. I agree at times it s*, but that is the best place to give it a shot. Reviewed By D. Toronto Ault Friend Finder — and some are the target of investigations by the Attorney General’s office and others — after numerous complaints — won’t even respond to consumer complaints. Why the Attorney General’s Office in various states has not shut this operation down is a testament to our pathetic legal system. Please, please don’t get raped by these people. They deserve no stars! Reviewed By Terrence N.Y. Ault Friend Finder how for years she ignored the advances of good men in her dating range, thinking herself some prize, holding out for a man with the looks of a male model. Now as she grows older and less and less men find her a catch, she thinks the service has failed her, when in fact its the women like her who have failed the service. There was a time where single women in their 30s would pursue eligible Ault Friend Finder rich businessman who is a world traveller and a model to boot(thanks to a model site I found and took a pic off of). I emailed a woman who would be considered pretty, average body(not fat,not thin), and an average success for her age(32 I think). I contacted her with my real profile first and sent her a really well thought out email. Keep in mind she is as good looking a woman as I am a Ault Friend Finder

dates though. However in the past month I seem to be talking to nothing but self loving jerks. I am a 40 year old female who is slim and considered attractive but my shyness and lack of social life keep me from meeting anyone. My job doesn’t offer much opportunities to meet anyone either. I talked to one guy who dominated the who conversation in giving his speech about what makes a sucessful me more to retrieve my money. Attorney fees are not cheap. I Hope someone will read this before they make the same mistake I made, as did hundreds of others. Please just remember this, it’s a scam, and they do discriminate. Joe From Wylie, TX Reviewed By M C TN Sex Female Rating ***** Date March 06, 2010 permalink Visit Great Expectations I had to rate them a 1 because there is no 0!!! I be always adding new features and improvements. To get notification of if/when people read your email, you have to pay a few extra bucks, which does seem like a rip off. For guys, it takes some patience to start talking with any real women on this site. You might get a wink or two in your first couple weeks. But it probably won’t be women who are particularly enticing. No offense, but I’m not a model, so apparently I am ugly. Average Body: Women who say they are of Average Body type are always about 30 to 40 pounds overwieght. Every woman I met who said she is avaerage, is actually fat. So ladies if you are overwieght then state it. Average is not 30 to 40 pounds overweight. Heres how it works. If she says, Slim: this means she is slim or skinny Athletic: This means she is


Sex Female Rating ***** Date January 19, 2007 permalink Visit deserves NO stars, absolutely none. 0 stars should be a choice. It was a complete waste of time and money. As is the case with many of the people who have posted their reviews here, I suddenly started winks after I cancelled my subscription. Despite being specific in my profile I was being contacted by men AultFriendFinder long island Sex Male Rating ***** Date March 26, 2010 permalink Visit Great Expectations Great Expectations is a great SCAM! This outfit needs to be put to shame. I unfortunately made the mistake of entering my phone number when showing some interest in their site. I was called and given the ‘come in and let us show you how happy you will be line’ Once in, I was interviewed and shown several AultFriendFinder bachelors to the ends of the earth in fear of never getting married. Now it seems many like Anonymousinthecity ignore the dating possabilities presented to them in the day to day world ( she claims she gets all kinds of attention ) because the online sites have warped them into thinking some “Mr. Perfect” is one click away from finding them. Reviewed By Jason Minnesota Sex Male Rating ***** AultFriendFinder guy. She is also as successful in a career as I am, so pretty even match, right??? Nope, not in her eyes. She can’t even be bother to email me back saying you sound nice but I am not interested. No she just deletes my email(I have a very nifty computer program that gives me this info). So I email her with the fake profile. She immediately responds with an email with a high amount of interest. AultFriendFinder

dult Friend Finder

up to 24 years my senior, divorced guys with three kids, and men who described themselves as being separated. It was just ridiculous. The last wink I got was from a man supposedly from NY. I say supposedly because I believe that he was a employee trying to get me to renew my subscription. When I searched ‘more like him’ I was unfortunately not surprised to find another profile dult Friend Finder albums filled with pictures of women that supposedly were looking for a single man. Being black, I noticed very few options for my race. I mentioned this and they pulled out a handful of over-weight unnattractive black women. and proceeded to force feed me a couple of them stating how nice they were and had pleasant personalities. The pressure to make contact with these women was overwhelming. dult Friend Finder Date April 26, 2006 permalink Visit I’ve very recently resigned my membership on after (I feel) being “tricked” for the second time in 2 months into subscribing to see who had e-mailed me after I had received an e-mail from saying that someone had e-mailed me (while I was a non-subscriber). Out of curiosity, I subscribed both times just to see who had e-mailed dult Friend Finder I can tell she can’t wait to meet this model businessman. Here are the transsripts of her emails to MR. Model so far: Cont next post!!! Reviewed By Owen Toronto Sex Male Rating ***** Date August 30, 2005 permalink Visit Lavalife On a technical level, I find Lavalife to be disappointing. The site freezes frequently, forcing me to log on twice. This has happened on multiple computers now, dult Friend Finder

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with exactly the same picture. There was 7″ height difference, a different ethnicity (if you can believe that),and a different search location. One was looking anywhere in the US. The other was looking in the UK. One profile mentioned a child. The other did not. I agree with one of the other writers who said that we are better off in the grocery store, at a church function or just walking dult match maker Needless to say, the dates were horrible. The fees that they charge are astronomical! and they just keep adding more to the packages they have to stuff their greedy pockets with your hard earned cash. There is NO WAY I can say a good word about them and I would warn any lonely people out there to avoid them like the H1N1 virus! I wanted to give zero stars but its only 1 thru 5. Reviewed dult match maker me — since the e-mails that had been sent to my private e-mail address didn’t specify. In both cases, I had received what appeared to be a “fake” brief message from women who supposedly were interested in getting to know me. However, when I clicked on their usernames to review their profiles, I found in both cases that the user did not exist (or profile was hidden). I never received any dult match maker convincing me that it is not a problem with my computer. I’d be interested in learning who else has experienced this. Reviewed By don’t ask me please London Ontario Sex Female Rating ***** Date August 29, 2005 permalink Visit Lavalife like any wheres else on the Internet, Lavalife has it’s idiots. I got through the first page of reviews basically running down the fake women, well, in all dult match maker


down the street. should be investigated. Reviewed By Kay Houston Sex Female Rating ***** Date January 16, 2007 permalink Visit What a colossal waste of time and money! I am attractive, intelligent, possess a great sense of humor, and can compose a complete sentence. I never ceased to be amazed at the arrogant men on this site who (a) think that they are more of a catch dultFriendFinder By Robyn Studio City, CA Sex Female Rating ***** Date March 21, 2010 permalink Visit Great Expectations If you are looking for a serious, committed relationship then you need to stay as far away from Great Expectations as possible. It is a complete waste of time, and a HUGE waste of money. I joined GE for $4,000 and during my one-year membership did not go on a single date. When I joined dultFriendFinder such e-mails while I was a subscriber. It just seemed very fishy to me. I sent an e-mail to Customer Service 5 days ago asking if they practiced anything unethical — such as having someone send fake e-mails to non-subscribers — in an attempt to entice people to subscribe. I haven’t heard back from them. I decided to send Customer Service an e-mail asking them to resign my membership, and dultFriendFinder fairness, it’s not easy for us to meet men either. This is NOT necessarily the fault of the people at Lavalife, it’s the idiots who like to pull crap like videotaping women in intimate positions (not me fortunately UGH), block you as soon as you show them your picture, like DUH, we can make another account and see if that profile is still active. I sure wonder how men could think women were dultFriendFinder

sdult Friend Finder

than they are; (b) lack the common courtesy to respond to an e-mail or wink, and (c) keep me “dangling” while still looking around. The final straw was a guy who e-mailed me back and forth for a couple of weeks, “wanted to keep in touch,” but was very busy with his son and/or his job. Then I get an e-mail telling me he’s gone out a few times with someone, but in case that relationship doesn’t sdult Friend Finder GE I reasoned that anyone who could afford such high membership dues must be financially stable and serious about meeting someone special. That may be true — I wouldn’t know since I never met an actual person through GE. There is no compatability matching or introduction process. Basically, you look at a bunch of pictures and choose the picture(s) you like. Then you wait to see if any of sdult Friend Finder they were very quick to send me a notice saying that they would resign my subscription, etc. I’m sure they were eager to get rid of me. But, I had seen and heard (or not heard) enough to raise a big enough flag in my mind that I had decided it wasn’t worth it anymore. I also have a female friend who was a former member who was just one among many of you who had a heck of a time getting sdult Friend Finder that stupid and have no feelings to hurt, but I guess it’s no different than offline, disrespecting the opposite sex seems to be all too common. HHMMMM hint here, if a woman is over 40, likely she doesn’t look like she’s 20, now did that make sense or what??? lol Like any other dating site, it’s best to use COMMON SENSE, and YAH, MANNERS help too. Men and women are equally guilty in playing sdult Friend Finder


work out, would I still be interested in going out? Sheesh! Also, I am disheartened by the anger that I see exist between men and women on these websites. I have always responded courteously to every wink and e-mail, and half the time when I say “no” to someone, I get a hateful response in return. We ALL have to deal with rejection. I have decided that, for myself, most of the guys are here sdultFriendFinder the pictures likes your picture. That’s it. You could be picking out Ted Bundy for all you know. And once you’ve looked at the membership pictures, you’re done. You have to wait for someone new to join so you can look at their picture. GE was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. And it makes me even more angry to hear that other people were able to talk them down to $700-$800 instead sdultFriendFinder to discontinue auto-billing her. I’m giving them 2 stars only because I think a lot of the technology on the site is top-notch. It’s just my opinion that the people behind the company are not — or, at least, are not being completely honest with users of their service. Reviewed By Anonymousinthecity Pittsburgh Sex Female Rating ***** Date April 26, 2006 permalink Visit I’m a 32 sdultFriendFinder games, and I can’t understand why some really gets such a kick out of hurting someone they don’t know. Reviewed By Jukbox Jane Toronto Sex Female Rating ***** Date August 28, 2005 permalink Visit Lavalife I will be honest I belive the site is strictly for sex. The common line is “Good luck with your search” Which clearly shows this is only for “Getting lucky” Best if you just want to get sdultFriendFinder

www Adult Frend Finder

on losers and that’s the primary reason why I don’t belong on there and am leaving. I deserve better! Reviewed By Tom PENNSYLVANIA Sex Male Rating ***** Date January 11, 2007 permalink Visit As a member for only three months before backing out pretty much in disgust, perhaps I have not had the proper amount of exposure to the workings of Match to make the following observation…but www Adult Frend Finder of the thousands of dollars most members pay. Just pass right by Great Expectations and take a trip to Europe instead. Reviewed By Joe From Wylie, TX Wylie, TX Sex Male Rating ***** Date March 19, 2010 permalink Visit Great Expectations I wish I had done my homework on Great Expectation. What a rip off, their should be a class action law suit against them. I first called them to get an idea www Adult Frend Finder year old single female, without kids and have been using the site off an on for quite a while. I have to say that I’m getting the sense that has had its peak and is now on the down side. I think the membership is declining in numbers and I continue to see the same faces on the site over and over again looking for the perfect person. I think the idea behind the site is www Adult Frend Finder laid… Besides that dont bother. The amount of unattractive men there is staggering. More on this (too lazy) is here Just being honest. Reviewed By andrew toronto Sex Male Rating ***** Date August 28, 2005 permalink Visit Lavalife Pure unbridled fantasy for people who think that perfection is waiting out there, just for them, at the other www Adult Frend Finder

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I shall anyway. I communicated with six ladies as a result of my twelve week venture, but I met only one. Two would not progress past the e-mail stage, although I provided my phone number. Looking for dates, not pen pals, I broke contact. I did speak to three ladies. Two were kind of “out there” and I (nicely) broke off contact before we even discussed meeting. On four occasions the third www Adult Friend Finder on what the cost would be and was told they had a plan just to suit me. Being divorced for a little over a year, and not wanting to do the bar seen, I went down there to check out what they had to say and see what they offered…….Boy was that a mistake! I met with Stefanie Hogan on July 30th 2008,She started to tell me that they are the largest dating service in the nation, and that they www Adult Friend Finder a good one, but the problem with online dating is the ‘laundry list’ mentality that this type of dating creates in people (myself included unfortunately). For example, if you don’t meet all of the ‘checked boxes’ of the profile criteria, forget it. I am not Christian, however I do have a very strong moral compass, but because I don’t meet the ‘Christian’ box criteria, forget it. The two www Adult Friend Finder end of a modem. Never seen so many people with completely unrealistic expectations and demands from others when they in fact are sorely lacking in those very qulities themselves. I think it does work for those who are deluded enough to convince themselves that the person they have met is “the one”. But isn’t that how it works through normal channels as well? The odds are fairly bad and there www Adult Friend Finder